Workplace Tutor Program

(Employers Only)

A portion of the bursary funding for health care aide education is allocated to support the Workplace Tutor Program (WTP). This program delivers the health care aide certificate program for an operator for health care aides hired without any formal health care aide education. The Workplace Tutor Program funds eligible operators to hire tutors for individuals in the health care aide workplace program.

Sign up

The Workplace Tutor Program (WTP) will cease accepting applications effective August 31, 2024. If you wish to complete your application and potentially receive bursary funding, you will need to submit a completed* application prior to this date.
*(Completed application means that all information and documents provided are correct as per the bursary requirements).

Eligible Operators can hire more than one tutor, depending on the number of individuals enrolled in the Health Care Aide Workplace Program at their continuing care sites. Eligible operators receive a maximum of $9,400/tutor upon their Workplace Tutor Program application form being approved by NorQuest College.

Tutor support requires a minimum number of hours of indirect or direct supervision of health care aide students enrolled in the health care aide workplace program. For more information on tutor support, please contact the post-secondary institution that is offering the program. Applications are open to all operators on the identified continuing care operator list.

  • Your site is on Alberta Health's identified list of operators.
  • Your site has a contract in place with a licensed health care aide program approved to deliver a health care aide workplace program.
  • Current licensed HCA workplace programs are available at:
  • Your site must have a minimum of three individuals enrolled in the health care aide workplace program at time of application submission. This may be in partnership with another eligible operator to reach the minimum enrollment requirement of individuals in the program to access the tutor funds.
  • You must submit a workplace tutor application form through the NorQuest College health care aide bursary website. One application per agency.

Note: If you do not meet the eligibility requirements, please contact

What to expect
  • Your site will receive $9,400 to support a nurse tutor for the duration of the health care aide program.
  • Funding is provided on a first come, first served basis based on your eligibility and submission of your application and required documents to complete your bursary application.
  • Your site needs to state the number of tutors required and the anticipated start and finish dates of your health care aide workplace programs.
  • An acknowledgement that individuals in the health care aide workplace program must have completed the program within 12 months of commencing.
  • Your site must report to NorQuest College the number of eligible students in your health care aide workplace program at each relevant continuing care site who:
    1. have quit the health care aide workplace program;
    2. have successfully completed the health care aide workplace program; and
    3. are employed by an eligible operator as a health care aide
  • Provide acknowledgment that all coursework in the health care aide workplace program must be completed within 12 months.

How to apply

For detailed steps on how to apply, download the how to apply instructions document.

Join the workplace tutor program

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